When your soul feels restless, your spirit needs to breathe.
In the latest episode of Dare to Interrupt, Haydee Antezana, CEO of Haydee Antezana International, shares how to reinvent yourself through the process of intentional renewal.
Read on for information about the star of this episode, Haydee!

Born in a third-world country, Haydee Antezana lived on four continents by age 10, learning how to thrive amidst disruption. From being L’Oréal's youngest director to owning retail and manufacturing enterprises, Haydee embodies resilience and triumph over adversity.
Her book, Packaged For Success, reached #1 Amazon bestseller in 11 categories. As a CSP-Certified Speaking Professional (held by 12% of speakers globally) and a certified Reinvention Practitioner (150 worldwide), her expertise has impacted global audiences over 24 years.
Her most cherished achievement? Giving birth to twins at age 47. In her spare time, she enjoys dancing to everything '80s, delights in Costco shopping and loves her life in the Temecula wine region of SoCal with her family, two golden doodles and a Ninja cat!
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