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  • Writer's pictureCourtney Stanley

Stop Trying to Be the Hero(ine): The Complexities of Having It All

As we're trying to keep up with the comeback of the events industry, are we setting ourselves up to fail?

In the latest episode of Dare to Interrupt, Kelley Douglass, director of client services at Agenda: USA, discusses setting boundaries to prevent burnout, her personal experience with battling depression, and the complexities that come with trying to be everything to everyone.

Read on for information about the star of this episode, Kelley Douglass!

Kelley Douglass prides herself on being authentic. As a veteran of both the ad agency and events industries, she's worked with major national brands to produce events large and small.

One of her favorite things to do is curate one-of-kind experiences and watch the faces of her guests as they are making memories. She has worked in the destination management and supplier side of the hospitality business in both New Orleans and Kansas City.

She has been married for 30 years (most of them happily) and has four grown children.

Listen now to experience the full episode and share what your favorite part was with me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!

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